Feet and Your Health

Your feet are an important part of your body. After all, they are the workhorses, taking about 5,000 steps a day and being the . That’s 2.5 miles! Not to mention that your feet have to bear the weight of your body every step of the way. In addition, we cram them into shoes and stand on them for long periods of time. Those hard-working feet deserve a little more attention than you’re probably giving them. Here’s what you need to know. Feet carry a heavy burden – literally. Our weird little extremities down there carry our entire body EVERY DAY. Pretty crazy when you think about how much the feet do, and even crazier how little we support them while they do it. Foot pressure points are, pretty self explanatory, but it does get a little more complicated. Generally, someone puts pressure on certain points on the bottom of your foot in order to assist with not just foot but body aches and pains. 


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